Articles on: For Account Administrators

How to brand your platform

This guide will introduce you to each organisational setting on your platform.

The benefit of Immediation is that you can rebrand your platform to make it consistent with your branding. Through a few simple configuration steps you can give your clients the impression that your system is professional and custom for your business .

You must be provisioned with an account administrator role to view and change these settings on your platform.

Organisation branding

You can set your organisation's name, colours, and logos in this section. The URL is your platform's custom web address. For example, if you are a US customer and set it to "my_company" then the URL you can provide your clients will be The brand Logo will change the logo on the top left of your platform and all your email notifications. It will also appear on the login page of your custom URL.

Email branding

This will control the branding around the email notifications sent out of your platform.

Use your brand logo in emails sent by Immediaiton Platform

Your brand logo is uploaded in the organisational branding section. It affects these parts of an email notification.

Custom Reply To Email Address

This is the email address if a recipient hits reply to an email notification. All emails sent the platform are sent as from "", which is an unmonitored inbox. Automatic email notifications from your platform generally do not do not solicit a direct reply. They are things like reminders and status notifications or contain links to correspondence within the platform. Most customers also place a "do not reply" message in the title or in the main content of the email message to prevent recipients from replying.

However, you do have the option to change the reply-to to email address. For example, if you set it to, then when a user clicks reply, the email will go to that email address instead of an unmonitored inbox. This way in case a client does unintentionally reply to an email you will receive it in an inbox of your choice.

Note that this does not change the "from" email address appearing in the inbox as "". The address only changes when the recipient hits reply.

Custom From Name

This will change the name that appears on the incoming email.

Custom contact details for email templates

The change will modify the footer of all email notifications.

Video Conference Backgrounds

Your platform has a customer-built web conferencing solution to help facilitate mediation, arbitrations, and online disputes. To learn about the various features, you can read the How to use Video Conferencing. You can use this video conference solution as part of your subscription to hold your meetings. There are several professional video backgrounds are pre-loaded in the video conference. You can upload your organisation's background in this setting.

Case Settings

Depending on your jurisdiction, you might want to change the nomenclature when labelling the various participants in a dispute. For example, the party that has initiated a dispute can be called a claimant, applicant, party A, or plaintiff. You also have the option to place your own label if none of the pre-defined labels are applicable to your disputes. You can also remove roles that are not relevant in the types of disputes you handle. The case settings affects the labeling of participants in your matter, especially during video conferences. It ensures that all participants are formally labeled and addressed with their correct respective roles. This means when they enter the web conference you know exactly who they are.

Payment Settings

This controls the settings of Stripe integration with your platform. Stripe is a payment processing solution that enables invoices generated within your platform to be paid via credit card. These fields would have been set up when your account was created.

It is recommended that you do not change this setting.

Invoice Settings

This is where you can control settings related to invoices generated on the platform. You can set things such as your currency and invoice templates. Invoice templates are uploaded in the "Organisation" -> "Forms & Templates" section. There can be different templates for case, panel, and fundholding invoices. Once they are uploaded, you will be able to select them from the corresponding down down boxes. Once this setting is set, there is no need to change this setting.

Date and Time Settings

This setting is where you can configure your default time zone and other date-related settings. This is set up when we provision your account.

It is recommended that you do not change this setting.

Panel settings

These files control the layout of the panel management module.

It is recommended that you do not change this setting.

Updated on: 03/06/2024

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