How to change your email address
How to change your email address
To change your email address, you will need to sign-up to a new account with Immediation. This is because your username corresponds to your email address for security, privacy, and governance reasons. However, depending on the type of account, there are certain intermediary steps to complete before you sign-up for a new account.
When logging into Immediation, select the geo-located instance that corresponds to the country where your account is domiciled. For US and Canadian customers, this is, and for Australian customers, this is
Scroll down and follow the section that best represents your situation.
Panelist of an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Organization
Part of a Professional, Team, Organization, or Enterprise Subscription
Part of a free account
Free Account is when you have been invited as a participate in a case by an ADR Organization, on a 14-day trial, or did not upgrade your subscription to a paid version.
Panelist of an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Organization
Before you edit your email address you may need to notify your ADR Organization for authorization. This is dependent on the control procedures in place. This is a security measure to prevent any inadvertent changes to your address. This is because your email address is you username which is bound to your identity on the platform.
1) Log in to Immediation and navigate to "Panel" on the right side of the menu.

2) Navigate to the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Organization, where you are a panelist.
The section on the left-hand side will list all the ADR Organizations where you are a panel member. If you are part of more than one ADR organization, you must repeat these steps 1-5 for each organization.

3) Click on "Edit Panelist" on the right-hand side.

4) Edit the field that corresponds to your email address.
This new email address will become your username when you create a new account in Step (7).

5) Click "Save" in the bottom right-hand corner.

6) Repeat Steps 1-5 if you are part of multiple Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Organizations. Otherwise, go to Step (7).
7) Sign up for a new immediation account with your new email address entered in step (4).
For US and Canadian customers, go to, and for Australian customers, go to

8 ) Log in and navigate to "Panel". If successful, you can see the ADR Organizations you are a member of.
You should see the same ADR Organizations and profile details as with your old email address. If not, then contact

Part of a Professional, Team, Organization, or Enterprise Subscription
This is relevant if you are a named user of a paid Professional, Team, Organization, or Enterprise Subscription. You may have the role of an account administrator, administrator, case manager, or principal. To check, ask your organization's administrator or account administrator role to navigate to "Admin" -> ” Organization" and find your email address under licensed seats. Named users will typically share the same email domain as the ADR Organization that owns the Immediation subscription. If you have been invited to a dispute facilitated by an ADR Organization, and not on the same email domain as that organization, then most likely you are not a named user. You can scroll down to the section "Part of a free account" to reset your email. Otherwise proceed with the instructions below.
1) Create a New Immediation Account
For US and Canadian customers, go to, and for Australian customers, go to

2) Contact the administrator or account administrator to add your new email as a named user under "Admin" -> ” Organisation".
It is essential that the administrator does not delete your old email address but invites you using your new email address. Your old email address as a named user may still be required for compliance reasons. It will not be counted towards your named user count.
If you are the sole account administrator or administrator and no one else in your organization can add you as a named user, then contact
3) You may need to ask your account administrator or administrator to re-add you as a participant to your active cases/disputes. If there are numerous active disputes for this to become practical, then contact
Part of a free account
This is relevant if you have been invited to participate in a dispute by an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Organization. You might be part of the claimant or respondent party, or invited as a third party to the dispute. You can also be a mediator or arbitrator to a dispute but not part of the facilitating ADR Organization's panel. This is also relevant if you are on a 14-day trial or did not upgrade your subscription to a paid version.
1) Create a New Immediation Account
For US and Canadian customers, go to, and for Australian customers, go to

3) You may need to ask the case manager from the relevant ADR Organization you are a part of to re-add you as a participant to your active cases and disputes. After you have been re-added you should be able to see the same dispute details as with your old email address. If not, then contact
Updated on: 17/04/2024
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