Articles on: For Account Administrators

How to configure and edit an Intake Form

This guide will help you understand how to edit and configure an intake form.

Modifying questions on your generic intake form will require editing a JSON markup file. There is assumed basic knowledge in editing mark-up languages such as XML and HTML. We are working on a user friendly WSIWG editor in a subsequent release of the platform. If you are unsure then best to contact

Intake Form Configuration Settings

1) As account admin, go to Organisation -> Intake Forms. Then go to to your generic intake form. In this example we will go to "ADR Technology Generic Intake Form".

2) Refer to the table to what all these settings mean all the settings mean.

Type of submission formYou can create two types of forms. If you require a form to collect information to make a case/matter, choose "Create a Dispute." The other form, "capture further details, add information to a pre-existing matter. An evaluation form is an example of this type of form.
Workflow AssignedYou can set an intake form to a pre-defined Workflow. This feature is yet to be further developed.
Matter nomenclatureSelect the terminology that you use to describe your matter.
Title of intake formYou will see this title on the splash page of your intake form.
Intake form URLThis is the URL for your intake form. It takes for format "" or "". You can post this URL on your website.
Published stateSet this to "published" if you want it live online. Otherwise, set it to 'unpublished' to put it offline.
TypeThis is the party that fills out the intake form. By default, it is assumed that the "Applicant" will initiate the intake form. Otherwise, if you require the respondent to begin the intake form, you can change this setting to "Respondent".
Login RequiredClients who complete the intake form must sign up to complete it by default. This is the recommended method. However, there might be situations where you may not want clients to sign up. For example, it could be a general enquiry form. Just note that certain features, such as uploading documents, will not be available.
Link Respondent FormThis is not used.
Privacy URLA hyperlink on the splash page on your intake form can link back to your Privacy URL. By default, it is or
Welcome ButtonThe splash login page button is labelled 'Start Dispute' by default. However, you can choose another label, such as 'Start Form'.
Welcome SnippetWrite text here to add some welcome text on the splash login page.
Background ImageUpload a background image here.
Intake form JSONThis is the file that controls the JSON intake form markup language.

Changing the Splash Page on an Intake Form Example

1) We will use the following example.

2) Here are the following changes we will perform.

Title of intake formTechnology Generic Intake FormADR Technology Generic Intake Form
Privacy URLblank (default: or
Welcome Buttonblank (default: start dispute)Start Form
Welcome SnippetblankWelcome to the ADR Technology intake form. Use this form to start your matter.

3) Here the changes to how the splash page will look like after the changes are performed.

4) The colour scheme and brand logo is a global setting that is controlled in organisation settings. You can use the guide how to brand your platform to understand how to set it.

Editing the Intake Intake Form Example

To edit this file, you must be comfortable with XML markup language. If you are unsure, you can contact

In this simple example, we will change the following question on the generic intake form.

We will add "Arbitration" as a drop down selection option

We will change the wording "Nature and Circumstances of Dispute *" to "Paste in a copy of Dispute Resolution".

1) As account admin, go to Organisation -> Intake Forms . Then, go to your generic intake form. In this example, we will go to "ADR Technology Generic Intake Form".

2) Scroll to "Intake form JSON" and open the inline editor.

3) First, we will add "Arbitrator" to the selection menu on the first page. To do this, copy the following code to lines 40 to 44.

, {
"value": "arbitration",
"display": "Arbitration"

Writing JSON markup language can be a little tricky with the syntax. It is recommended to use an online parser such as if you are having difficulty with syntax to ensure it parses correctly. It is recommended to use a local third party editor such as NotePad++ as an alternative to the online editor.

4) Then change line 165 from "Nature and Circumstances of Dispute *" to "Paste in a copy of Dispute Resolution".

5) Click on "OK" to close the JSON editor, then scroll to the top and click "Save Changes". You will notice the time stamp on the top refresh to the current date time.

6) Test your intake form in the browser with the intake form URL. You should now see the following changes.

Updated on: 03/06/2024

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