Articles on: For Neutrals

How to create an electronically signable document

This guide show you how to make a PDF document from the document repository electronically signable.

Your platform enables you to create and sign through electronic signatures through DocuSign. In the platform, you can use the templated settlement agreement or co-draft document created during a web conference or import your document from within the document repository and send it for electronic signatures. These documents can be signed whether you are within a web conference or offline.

Importing a document for signature as a Neutral / Mediator / Arbitrator

Your platform will allow you to upload an existing PDF document to the document repository and attach a signature page to the end of the document.

1) Make sure that the PDF document you want to attach a signature page to has been upload to the document repository. If you are unsure how to upload a document into the file repository, refer to the Documents Quickstart Guide.

2) Go to the 'DocuSign' tab and click "Import Document".

3) Select the tick box that corresponds to the PDF document you would like to send for signatures. In this example, we will use "Standard-form-mediation-agreement.pdf".

4) Click on "Continue", and you will be presented with the dialogue to add signatories to the document.

Signatories must be added as participants to the dispute so they can be selected in the drop-down menu. If you do not have admin access to your case, you must ask the case manager to add them as participants. This might be the situation if an ADR provider is responsible for administering your case.

5) Select the signatories for the document by selecting the participant's name. You can add new signatories by clicking on 'new signee'. In this example, we will add a single claimant and respondent to sign the document.

You can add up to seven signatories to the document

6) You can use the 'Before Signature' and 'After Signature' text boxes to add custom text around the signature field.

7) Click on "Save" when complete. This will notify all the signatories that they have a document for signature. You will see the status 'Sent' next to the document sent for signature. That status will change to 'Completed' once all signatories have signed the document.

8 ) You can view the execution version of the document by clicking on the following document icon.

9) It will be downloaded as a PDF document that you can view locally.

Note: it will not show the signature block appended to the final page. This will only display once both parties have signed the document.

10) If you need to void the document, click the following icon.

11) The status will change to 'Complete' once all the signatories have signed the document.

An email notification to all the parties and neutral once a document has been executed in coming in the next release.

12) Click on the icon to download the executed version of the document.

13) Scroll to the last page to see the executed signatures.

Updated on: 15/07/2024

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