How to create and edit a Nomination List
This guide will walk you through how to create and edit a Nomination List.
The benefit of Immediation is that it helps you with the entire neutral selection process. This involves creating a draft list, sending out queries to neutrals, ascertaining their availability, initiating the nomination/ranking process with the parties, and appointing the selected neutral to a case. This is handled within the case management system, which saves administrative time in coordinating this process. It also allows an ADR organization to scale with an increasing case load.
The neutral selection module is designed as :
Draft List -> Query List -> Nomination List
Draft List -> Unvetted List
You can also jump to other documentation of the Neutral Section Process here;
How to create and edit a Draft List
How to create and edit an Unvetted List
How to create and edit an Query List

A Nomination List is where you create a short list of neutrals who have expressed their acceptance to be part of a matter. The nomination list typically will go through a ranking process, whereby each party will rank each neutral, whom they would like to select as the neutral for the case. Once all the rankings have been submitted, the case manager appoints a neutral, or neutrals, based on the rankings between both parties. The governing rules will dictate how many neutrals are selected for the case. There are instances where the party may also appoint a party-designated neutral, bypassing the ranking process altogether. Your platform helps streamline this process to ensure that ranking is completed on time, efficiently, and fairly.
The example we will step through assumes that you are creating a Nomination List from a Query List. However, you can also create a nomination list directly from a neutral search and draft list.
1) Open the Query List you would like to create a Nomination List. Select the neutrals you want to put forward to the parties for nomination. You can be flexible here by not nominating a neutral even if they have accepted the query.

2) Click on "Add to List".

3) Select "Create a new nomination list" and provide it a name.

4) Select your "Nomination list type". In our example, we will select "Neutral".
There may be scenarios where you must run separate nomination lists for neutrals appointed as "Chair" or "Party Designated Arbitrators".

5) Select the 'Objection type'. In our example, we will select 'Object".
The objection type depends on the governing rule governing your dispute. The main difference is that 'Object' will allow a party to submit their reason for not ranking a specific neutral. "Strike-through" will enable a party to mark a nominated neutral as unsuitable without providing any reason.

6) Click on "Add" to create the Nomination List.
Note that the parties will not get a notification that ranking has commenced until you 'Activate' the nomination list you have created. This is a subsequent step further below.

7) You will notice on your "Query List" that the neutrals that have been selected to be part of your "Nomination List" have their status changed to "Approved". This means they have been approved for "Nomination" and will be part of the ranking process. It does not mean they have been formally selected as part of the case.

8 ) Go to 'Nomination List' to see your created list. It will still be marked as 'Inactive', meaning the ranking process has not started. This allows you to add or remove neutrals from your nomination list before it becomes active.

1) Go to the Nomination list you want to activate the ranking process for and click "Nomination Pack".
The nomination pack is an optional document you can send to the parties as part of the ranking process. It could be a formal letter containing specific information about the ranking process or supplementary information about the neutrals other than what is contained in the public bio.

2) Upload the Nomination Pack from your computer's local file system. You can select "Nomination Pack not required". Click on "Submit" once complete.

3) After you upload the Nomination Pack, your list will be marked "Pending", and the "Activate" button will become available.

You can change the nomination pack at any time before the list is activated.
4) Click on "Activate" and select a ranking due date.

5) Click on "Confirm" to start the ranking process.

6) You will see the status change to "Ranking Open".

7) The party participants will receive an email that the ranking has commenced. You can follow the documentation How to submit your Party Rankings to understand what the party would see.

In this example, let us assume that only one neutral is appointed. Depending on your case's governing rule, you may need to select more than one neutral. The steps to do so are identical to those in our single neutral example.
1) Go to the Nomination List where ranking has commenced, and you will see the rankings for both parties in your dispute.

2) If you see a pencil icon next to a neutral, a party either objected or did a strike-through against that individual.

3) To view the objection, click on the pencil icon. You will see the objection written in the text field or a document uploaded as the reason for the objection. At this point, you can also remove the objection if you determine it is invalid.

If the Nomination List was created with the objection type "Strike through," then no reason will be provided.
4) Look at the aggregate column to determine which neutral received the most favourable ranking. Rankings are done in order of preference starting from one. As a basic algorithm, the neutral with the lowest number under the aggregate column will generally be the neutral appointed to the case. However, depending on specific scenarios, there might be exceptions. This is why we allow you to choose who to appoint to the case.

In case of a tie break, you must follow your manual protocols. For example, you may get a scenario where five neutrals are nominated, and each party ranks each person from one to five in reverse order. This creates an aggregate deadlock of six for each individual. Most ADR service providers have protocols and procedures to handle these situations. These situations are generally not every day, but they can happen.
5) Click "Appoint" to select a neutral for a case.

6) Select the appointment type from the drop-down list.

7) You can optionally upload any supporting document, also known as a Selection Letter, to the neutral as part of the appointment. It could be a templated letter confirming their appointment to a case or any other additional information for the neutral.

8 ) Click "Appoint" to select the neutral as part of the case. The status under the appointed role will change to the appointment type you selected. There will also be an "Unappoint" option to reverse the appointment.

9) The neutral will also be added as a participant in the case. You can check this by navigating to "Participants" and seeing their details under "Neutral Party".

10) You can optionally send all the neutrals not appointed to a case and email notification. To do this, click "Send Outcome Email" and send it to every unappointed neutral or select individuals.

11) They will receive an email that is similar to the following.

The benefit of Immediation is that it helps you with the entire neutral selection process. This involves creating a draft list, sending out queries to neutrals, ascertaining their availability, initiating the nomination/ranking process with the parties, and appointing the selected neutral to a case. This is handled within the case management system, which saves administrative time in coordinating this process. It also allows an ADR organization to scale with an increasing case load.
The neutral selection module is designed as :
Draft List -> Query List -> Nomination List
Draft List -> Unvetted List
You can also jump to other documentation of the Neutral Section Process here;
How to create and edit a Draft List
How to create and edit an Unvetted List
How to create and edit an Query List

A Nomination List is where you create a short list of neutrals who have expressed their acceptance to be part of a matter. The nomination list typically will go through a ranking process, whereby each party will rank each neutral, whom they would like to select as the neutral for the case. Once all the rankings have been submitted, the case manager appoints a neutral, or neutrals, based on the rankings between both parties. The governing rules will dictate how many neutrals are selected for the case. There are instances where the party may also appoint a party-designated neutral, bypassing the ranking process altogether. Your platform helps streamline this process to ensure that ranking is completed on time, efficiently, and fairly.
How to create a new Nomination List
The example we will step through assumes that you are creating a Nomination List from a Query List. However, you can also create a nomination list directly from a neutral search and draft list.
1) Open the Query List you would like to create a Nomination List. Select the neutrals you want to put forward to the parties for nomination. You can be flexible here by not nominating a neutral even if they have accepted the query.

2) Click on "Add to List".

3) Select "Create a new nomination list" and provide it a name.

4) Select your "Nomination list type". In our example, we will select "Neutral".
There may be scenarios where you must run separate nomination lists for neutrals appointed as "Chair" or "Party Designated Arbitrators".

5) Select the 'Objection type'. In our example, we will select 'Object".
The objection type depends on the governing rule governing your dispute. The main difference is that 'Object' will allow a party to submit their reason for not ranking a specific neutral. "Strike-through" will enable a party to mark a nominated neutral as unsuitable without providing any reason.

6) Click on "Add" to create the Nomination List.
Note that the parties will not get a notification that ranking has commenced until you 'Activate' the nomination list you have created. This is a subsequent step further below.

7) You will notice on your "Query List" that the neutrals that have been selected to be part of your "Nomination List" have their status changed to "Approved". This means they have been approved for "Nomination" and will be part of the ranking process. It does not mean they have been formally selected as part of the case.

8 ) Go to 'Nomination List' to see your created list. It will still be marked as 'Inactive', meaning the ranking process has not started. This allows you to add or remove neutrals from your nomination list before it becomes active.

How to activate your Nomination List and start the Ranking Process.
1) Go to the Nomination list you want to activate the ranking process for and click "Nomination Pack".
The nomination pack is an optional document you can send to the parties as part of the ranking process. It could be a formal letter containing specific information about the ranking process or supplementary information about the neutrals other than what is contained in the public bio.

2) Upload the Nomination Pack from your computer's local file system. You can select "Nomination Pack not required". Click on "Submit" once complete.

3) After you upload the Nomination Pack, your list will be marked "Pending", and the "Activate" button will become available.

You can change the nomination pack at any time before the list is activated.
4) Click on "Activate" and select a ranking due date.

5) Click on "Confirm" to start the ranking process.

6) You will see the status change to "Ranking Open".

7) The party participants will receive an email that the ranking has commenced. You can follow the documentation How to submit your Party Rankings to understand what the party would see.

How to appoint a Neutral to a case
In this example, let us assume that only one neutral is appointed. Depending on your case's governing rule, you may need to select more than one neutral. The steps to do so are identical to those in our single neutral example.
1) Go to the Nomination List where ranking has commenced, and you will see the rankings for both parties in your dispute.

2) If you see a pencil icon next to a neutral, a party either objected or did a strike-through against that individual.

3) To view the objection, click on the pencil icon. You will see the objection written in the text field or a document uploaded as the reason for the objection. At this point, you can also remove the objection if you determine it is invalid.

If the Nomination List was created with the objection type "Strike through," then no reason will be provided.
4) Look at the aggregate column to determine which neutral received the most favourable ranking. Rankings are done in order of preference starting from one. As a basic algorithm, the neutral with the lowest number under the aggregate column will generally be the neutral appointed to the case. However, depending on specific scenarios, there might be exceptions. This is why we allow you to choose who to appoint to the case.

In case of a tie break, you must follow your manual protocols. For example, you may get a scenario where five neutrals are nominated, and each party ranks each person from one to five in reverse order. This creates an aggregate deadlock of six for each individual. Most ADR service providers have protocols and procedures to handle these situations. These situations are generally not every day, but they can happen.
5) Click "Appoint" to select a neutral for a case.

6) Select the appointment type from the drop-down list.

7) You can optionally upload any supporting document, also known as a Selection Letter, to the neutral as part of the appointment. It could be a templated letter confirming their appointment to a case or any other additional information for the neutral.

8 ) Click "Appoint" to select the neutral as part of the case. The status under the appointed role will change to the appointment type you selected. There will also be an "Unappoint" option to reverse the appointment.

9) The neutral will also be added as a participant in the case. You can check this by navigating to "Participants" and seeing their details under "Neutral Party".

10) You can optionally send all the neutrals not appointed to a case and email notification. To do this, click "Send Outcome Email" and send it to every unappointed neutral or select individuals.

11) They will receive an email that is similar to the following.

Updated on: 19/06/2024
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