How to respond to a Neutral Query
How to respond to a Neutral Query
This how-to relates to how to respond to a neutral query in the neutral selection module.
Navigate to the section that best describes what task you need to perform.
Opening the Query Response Dialogue and Query Letter
Accepting a Query
Uploading Additional Documents to an Accepted Query
Declining a Query
Modifying a response to a Query
Opening the Query Response Dialogue and Query Letter
1) You would have received a query letter in your inbox ascertaining your interest in participating in a case. Every Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Organisation uses a different email template, but the call to action would be the same in determining your participation in being selected for a dispute.

2) Click on "Respond" and log in to the platform. If this is your first time, you will need to sign up for a new account.
If you are signing up for a new account, use the same email address to which your query email was sent. If you want to use another email, ask the ADR Organisation to send the query email again to the email address you would like to register on the platform.

2) You will be presented with the following "Query Response" pop-up dialogue box. Depending on the type of case, there might be a Query Letter you will need to download. This letter will contain information about the case and require you to complete certain sections to upload before your response.

If the response involves entering text into a document, you can download it by clicking the down arrow on the right. This will let you open the document with your computer's default word editor. Once completed, you can submit the document by uploading it with your response.

Take note of the query due date, as you will not be able to submit your response past this date. The due date is stated under "Select a response" and also within the query letter.

If this is your first time signing up for the platform, you might not be redirected to this dialogue when you log in.
Navigate to "Panel" on the left-hand side, then Query Response. Here, you will see a list of disputes in which you have been queried.

Scroll down to relevant case and select "View & Respond" which will open the "Query Response" pop-up dialogue box.
If "View & Respond" is greyed out, that means the query due date has passed. Contact the case manager at the respective Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Organization if you need to access this response.
Accepting a Query
1) To navigate to "Panel" on the left-hand side, then Query Response. Here, you will see a list of disputes in which you have been queried.

If "View & Respond" is greyed out, that means the query due date has passed. You must contact the case manager at the respective Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Organization.
2 )Scroll down to relevant case and select "View & Respond" which will open the "Query Response" pop-up dialogue box.

3) Click on "Select a Response" and "Accept" to provide the option to upload response documents.

4) Click on "Upload" and select the documents supporting your response from your computer. This will typically consist of the completed sections of the query letter and any relevant supporting documentation for your application. Select one file at a time to upload it to your response.

5) You can click on "Upload" again to sequentially upload more documents to your application as necessary.

6) To submit your application, click on "Confirm" at the bottom right-hand corner of the dialogue.

7) To confirm your response, you will see the "status" column on the list of query responses change from "Pending" to "Accepted" against the case you have submitted your query. You will also see the "Accepted date" on which you lodged your confirmation.

Uploading Additional Documents to an Accepted Query
You will be able to upload additional documents to a query you have previously accepted that has not passed the query response due date. The same process applies if you want to remove any documents that you have previously uploaded.
1) Navigate to "Panel" on the left-hand side, then Query Response. Here, you will see a list of disputes in which you have been queried.

2 )Scroll down to relevant case and select "View & Respond" which will open the "Query Response" pop-up dialogue box.

If "View & Respond" is greyed out, that means the query due date has passed. Contact the case manager at the respective Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Organization if you need to access this response.
3) In the "Upload response documents" section, you can add or remove documents from your query response. When you are done, select "Confirm" to submit your response. The number of times you can add or remove documents prior to the query due date is unlimited.

Declining a Query
You can decline to be considered in a case for timing, conflict of interest, or other reasons.
1) Navigate to "Panel" on the left-hand side, then Query Response. Here, you will see a list of disputes in which you have been queried.

2 )Scroll down to relevant case and select "View & Respond" which will open the "Query Response" pop-up dialogue box.

If "View & Respond" is greyed out, that means the query due date has passed. Contact the case manager at the respective Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Organization if you need to access this response.
3) Scroll to "Select a response" and select "Decline" in the drop-down menu. Tick the radio box that best describes why you are declining the case, then click "Confirm" once it is complete.

7) To confirm your response you will see the "status" column on the list of query responses change from "Pending" to "Declined" against the case you have submitted your query. You will also see the "Declined date" that you lodged your submission to decline.

Modifying a response to a Query
You can modify a response that you have previously submitted that is not past the query response deadline. This could happen if you want to decline a query you previously accepted or vice-versa.
1) Navigate to "Panel" on the left-hand side, then Query Response. Here, you will see a list of disputes in which you have been queried.

2 )Scroll down to relevant case and select "View & Respond" which will open the "Query Response" pop-up dialogue box.

If "View & Respond" is greyed out, that means the query due date has passed. Contact the case manager at the respective Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Organization if you need to access this response.
3) Select "Clear response" to remove any previous responses. Then, follow the sections in this guide on "accepting a query" or "declining a query" to submit your modified response.

Updated on: 11/09/2024
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