Articles on: Getting Started

Case Notes Quickstart Guide

This guide will provide a short introduction to help you learn how to use Case Notes in MyMatters.

Case Notes can be considered a personal notepad or a general notice board. For example, it can list action items from a private meeting for you, or your mediator or case manager can use it to provide post-settlement details or contact details for all participants.

How to create a Case Note

1) Navigate to "Case Notes" and click on "New Note".

3) Edit the title of your Case Note and click "Save".

4) All case Notes are private and visible only to you by default. Click on "Change Access" if you would like other groups of individuals to view it.

5) Attach any documents to your Case Note. These documents must have been previously uploaded in the documents section of the case.

6) Type in the text field in the Case Note. There is no requirement to click on "Save", as all text typed in this field is saved in real-time.

Updated on: 18/04/2024

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