Articles on: Getting Started

MyMatters Quickstart Guide

This guide will provide a short introduction to help you navigate your case in MyMatters.

MyMatters Dashboard

The MyMatters dashboard displays a "Matter Card" that represents a case in which you are a participant. Cases may have different statuses depending on whether they are currently active or closed. You can click on each matter cart to display information about that specific case.

MyMatters Matter Card

The MyMatter card will contain all information, scheduling, files, and correspondence that pertains to a particular case. Each tab on the top menu will correspond to where you can find specific information and complete various case-related tasks.

Live Conferences

This contains any conferences that have been scheduled by the neutral or case manager. Closer to the conference date and time, you will see a link to join the conference. You would have also received an email notification with the conference details. For information on how to use Immediation web conferencing, refer to the following user guide.


This contains any draft agreements made during an web conference. They will either have been executed in the conferenced or created but yet to be digitally signed via DocuSign. This feature is available for web conferences held using the Immediation proprietary web conference feature bundled with the platform. Check with your Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Organisation whether this feature is enabled or if electronic signatures are accepted.


This contains the documents and folders you can access to view, edit, or download. They will either be documents and folders shared by the neutral, uploaded by your team, or shared with you by other participants. By default, when you upload a document or create a folder, it is only visible to your party unless you change the permissions.

You can upload all document types except for executables, ".exe". The file viewer will only work for DOC, DOCX, and PDF documents. Maximum file size you can upload is 128MB.


This will contain all correspondence related to this case that is addressed to you. It can be correspondence from the neutrals, participants, or case managers. All correspondence is strictly private. Only parties/individuals addressed in the correspondence can view and respond. Administrators and case managers cannot view correspondence not addressed to them.


This is where you can mark the dates that you are unavailable to attend a conference or meeting. You can select up to 5 dates. The neutral assigned to the case will consider this when scheduling further conferences.


Tasks can be used to track action items. You can mark tasks as ‘private,’ which makes them only visible to you, similar to a personal to-do list. You can also create tasks and assign them to other participants. By default, all tasks you create are visible only to your team unless you assign them to others.

Case Notes

Case Notes is where you can keep notes regarding a case. These notes are only visible unless you share them with other participants. They could be notes from a meeting or action list of items that need to be followed up.

Neutral Selection

This is used for the neutral ranking process. For information on how this component works, refer to the Ranking Guide.


This will contain information about the cases captured during the filling process. If any subsequent forms are required to gather further information, they will also be in this location. For example, the case manager may send either party another form to capture additional details during the proceeding. After the dispute has been resolved, a post-mediation evaluation form could also be provided. All the responses will be contained in this location and viewed as read-only.

Updated on: 07/05/2024

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