Articles on: Getting Started

Documents Quickstart Guide

This guide will provide a short introduction to help you learn how to use Documents in MyMatters.

Your platform enables you to store all case-related documents securely. The benefit of storing all files in a central location is that you do not have to go through email attachments looking for the latest working version of a document. It also lets you control who can access your document in a secure repository. It provides a convenient secure alternative to keeping all your files together so that the right people can see them at the right time.

Navigate to the section that best describes what task you need to perform.

Previewing and downloading a file
Uploading a new file
Creating a new folder

Previewing and downloading a file

1) Navigate to the folder containing the file you want to download. In this example, we will navigate to "Mediation clause or Submissions".

If you do not see the relevant file or folder you intended to have access to, it is most likely the owner of the file or folder has not set your access rights correctly. Contact your case manager or mediator to help change access to the file and folder to ensure it includes you or your group.

2) Click on the file to open it and view the document in preview mode.

3) This will open the file in the document viewer.

There occasionally can be connectivity issues or file size constraints when previewing files in a browser. You will see the screen hang on "This file is being processed. One moment...". There is always an option to download the document to view it offline. This can differ depending on the screen, but you will see a 'down' arrow or three dots next to the file which will enable you to download it.

The document viewer is only available for Word (Doc/Docx) or PDF documents. It is not supported on tablets or mobile devices. If a document file size is large, the preview will be delayed, or it may not preview at all. In these cases, it is recommended to download the document and view it locally.

4) To download the file, click on the icon with the three dots on the right-hand side and select "Download".

5) This will download the file to your local computer, where you can open it using any native application of your choice.

Uploading a new file

1) Navigate to the folder containing the file you want to download. In this example, we will navigate to "Mediation clause or Submissions".

If you do not see the relevant file or folder you intended to have access to, it is most likely the owner of the file or folder has not set your access rights correctly. Contact your case manager or mediator to help change access to the file and folder to ensure it includes you or your group.

2) Click on "**New"** and "File Upload" to open the file upload file dialogue box.

You can upload all document types except for executables, ".exe". Maximum file size you can upload is 128MB.


3) Set the access right to whom you would like to grant access to the file.

4) Click on Access to control who can see your file. By default, the access controls are inherited by the folder in which you upload your file. So, in this example, as the "Mediation clause or Submissions" is accessible by "Everyone" and the "Administrator" group, then the file you upload will be the same unless you change it.

5) Select the relevant groups or individuals you would like to grant access to the file. You can also use this method to revoke access to particular groups or individuals. Click on "Change Access" once complete.

6) Either Drag and Drop your file in the upload section or click the "Upload" button. This will open a file selector on the local hard drive of your operating system.

In Windows if you hold down ALT and SHIFT you while clicking on the files to select you will be able to select on more than one. This keyboard sequence is dependent on the operating system you are using. In MacOS this will be the COMMAND key while selecting the files.

7) The file you selected will appear in the "Upload files and folders" dialogue box. Click on "Start Upload" to upload the file to the platform.

8 ) You will momentarily see an upload progress spinning wheel and a green tick box once the file has been successfully uploaded. You will also see a 'Done' button once it is complete. Click on "Done" to return back to the documents screen in MyMatters.

Creating a new folder

1) Navigate to the location where you want to create your new folder. In this example, we will create a new folder inside "Mediation clause or Submissions".

If you do not see the relevant file or folder you intended to have access to, it is most likely the owner of the file or folder has not set your access rights correctly. Contact your case manager or mediator to help change access to the file and folder to ensure it includes you or your group.

2) Click on "New" and "New Folder" to open the new folder dialogue box.

3) Type in the name of your new folder.

4) Tick the "Create for someone" box if you are creating a new folder on behalf of someone else. For example, you could be a paralegal creating a folder on behalf of a senior partner or a mediator creating a folder on behalf of a party. If unsure, leave this box unticked.

5) Click on Access to control who can see your folder. By default, the access controls are inherited by the parent folder in which you create your new folder. So, in this example, as the "Mediation clause or Submissions" is accessible by "Everyone" and the "Administrator" group, then your new folder will be the same unless you change it.

6) Click on "Create" once complete.

7) You should be able to see the new folder you created. Repeat these steps 1 to 6 if you want to make more folders.

The number next to the folder title represents the files in the folder. As files are uploaded, this number will increase.

Updated on: 12/07/2024

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