Articles on: For Case Managers

How to create and edit a Draft List

This guide will walk you through how to create and edit a Draft List.

The benefit of Immediation is that it helps you with the entire neutral selection process. This involves creating a draft list, sending out queries to neutrals, ascertaining their availability, initiating the nomination/ranking process with the parties, and appointing the selected neutral to a case. This is handled within the case management system, which saves administrative time in coordinating this process. It also allows an ADR organization to scale with an increasing case load.

The neutral selection module is designed as :

Draft List -> Query List -> Nomination List
Draft List -> Unvetted List

You can also jump to other documentation of the Neutral Section Process here;

How to create and edit an Unvetted List
How to create and edit an Query List
How to create and edit a Nomination List

The purpose of a Draft List is to create a temporary list of neutrals based on a particular search criteria. This list can then be converted to a Query or Nomination List later. For example, let us say you are working on a specific case where the nature of the dispute and governing rules for the arbitration require neutrals to be selected from particular criteria. It might take a few days or weeks to develop a potential shortlist of neutrals before even starting the formal query process. During this time, you might add and remove neutrals to the draft list until you are ready to begin the selection process. This is where Draft Lists come into play.

How to create a new Draft List

1) Go to your case and select Neutral Search.

2) Here, you will see the entire list of neutrals on your panel. You can then use the nested search function to narrow your search criteria.

3) Select the Neutrals you want to add to the Draft List.

4) Click "Add to List" on the top right, then select 'Draft', and 'Create a new Draft List'.

5) Name your new Draft List and click on "Add".

6) You will now see your created "Draft List".

7) You can click on the three dots next to the "Convert Draft List Button" to edit the name or delete the list you just created.

Draft Lists do not expire until converted to a query or nomination list. You can continue to delete or add neutrals to an existing draft list. You can also have multiple draft lists against the same case.

How to add and remove a neutral to an existing Draft List

1) Select the Neutrals you want to add to the Draft List from your Neutral Search. In this example, we only select a single neutral, but you can choose more than one.

2) Select the Draft List name in the drop-down box where you want to add the neutral.

3) Click " Add " to see the additional neutral on your Draft List.

4) To remove a Neutral, click on the trash icon next to the corresponding neutral name.

How to convert a neutral to an existing Draft List

After you have created and finalised your Draft List, there will be a point in time where you will want to convert it to either an Unvetted, Query, or Nomination List.

1) Select the 'Convert Draft List' button.

2) Select either an Unvetted, Query, or Nomination List. Then, you will have the option to add to an existing list or create a new one. In this example, we will create a new Unvetted List.

3) You will then see your Draft List move to the respective target list you have selected.

After you convert your Draft List, it will no longer appear under Draft Lists.

Depending on your process, you can click on one of the following documentation for the next step.

How to create and edit an Unvetted List
How to create and edit an Query List
How to create and edit a Nomination List

Updated on: 19/06/2024

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