Articles on: For Case Managers

How to create and edit an Query List

This guide will walk you through how to create and edit a Query List.

The benefit of Immediation is that it helps you with the entire neutral selection process. This involves creating a draft list, sending out queries to neutrals, ascertaining their availability, initiating the nomination/ranking process with the parties, and appointing the selected neutral to a case. This is handled within the case management system, which saves administrative time in coordinating this process. It also allows an ADR organization to scale with an increasing case load.

The neutral selection module is designed as :

Draft List -> Query List -> Nomination List
Draft List -> Unvetted List

You can also jump to other documentation of the Neutral Section Process here;

How to create and edit a Draft List
How to create and edit an Unvetted List
How to create and edit a Nomination List

A Query List is when you send communications to a shortlist of neutrals to ascertain their availability for selection for a case. This acts as an expression of interest to be included in a round of the selection process. It does not necessarily mean they have been selected for a case, nor does their query acceptance guarantee they will be included in the the selection process. During the query process, neutrals provided a deadline for when they need to respond. As an ADR Provider, you may also include a separate document, a query letter, outlining additional details or requirements to accept the case. The neutrals can then respond on the platform and attach any supporting documentation to their response. If a neutral cannot answer and would instead submit a response via email, the case manager as the option to respond on their behalf. Neutrals can decline to be part of a case and submit their reasons. Neutrals can also modify their response at anytime leading up to the query response deadline. The Neutral Selection module will help you facilitate and streamline the entire neutral query process.

How to create a new Query List

1) Go to your case and select Neutral Search.

2) Here, you will see the entire list of neutrals on your panel. You can then use the nested search function to narrow your search criteria.

3) Select the Neutrals you want to add to the Query List.

4) Click "Add to List" on the top right, then select 'Query List', and 'Create a new Query List'.

5) Name your new Query List and click on Select a Response Due Date.

6) You can attach a formal letter, also known as a query letter, that the neutrals can download. This may contain specific information about that case or additional instructions that are case-specific. Attaching a query letter will prompt you for the document on your computer's local file system. There is no need to upload the query letter to the documents section of the case on the platform.

7) You will now see you created a "Query List" and the respective due date you have set.

You can also convert a Draft List to a Query List. Follow the guide How to create and edit a Draft List to walk you through it.

8 ) The neutrals you have selected as part of the query process will all receive a notification via email instructing them to log in to the platform and submit a response. You can follow the guide How to respond to a Neutral Query to understand how a query will be presented on their end.

9) the status labels against each person on the query list change as neutrals respond to queries.

10) You can click on 'Manage Response' to view any documents the neutral may have uploaded as part of the response process.

There is an option to download all submitted documents by neutrals as a zip file, which you will learn about in the next section.

How to Manage a Response in a Query List

There may be cases where you must respond on behalf of neutral. For example, they might be unable to submit their response online and email you instead, or they may want to append or change their response. It is easy to manage a response on your platform.

1) Click 'Manage Response' against the neutral you want to modify. In this example, let us assume that this neutral wants us to respond on his behalf. This individual may have submitted his response to us via email with all his supporting documents.

2) Select the responses according to how the neutral would like to respond. Once complete, click on 'Confirm'.


3) the response will be reflected on the Query List screen.

You can also modify a response that has already been submitted before the response date deadline. However, after the deadline has passed, the ability to modify responses will be greyed out.

How to edit a Query List

1) Click on the three dots on the right to display additional options for a query list.

2) Click on 'Edit List' to change the list's name and response date or to replace the letter you attached to it.

3) Click on 'Export all documents to ZIP' to extract all the documents submitted by every neutral as part of their response. This removes the need to download documents one by one.

4) This downloads a zip file into your local file system's downloads folder. The screenshot is for Windows, but it will be different for MacOS.

5) The zip file will contain all the files for each neutral as part of their response. It will append each filename by prefixing it with the respective neutral's name. This way, you will know who each file belongs to.

Depending on your process, you can click on one of the following documentation for the next step.

How to create and edit a Nomination List

Updated on: 19/06/2024

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