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For Parties
Everyday tasks you will perform as a Party.
Neutral Ranking Process
How to submit your Party Rankings
How to submit your Party Rankings A nominated representative on either party can submit a ranking on behalf of their respective party. You should have received an email notification that ranking has commenced. Take note of the ranking due date, as you cannot submit your ranking after this date. The email template used will differ depending on your Alternative Dispute Resolu
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Electronic Signatures
How to electronically sign a document
This guide will show you how to electronically sign a document. Your platform enables you to create and sign through electronic signatures through DocuSign. In the platform, you can use the templated settlement agreement or co-draft document created during a web conference or import your document from within the document repository and send it for electronic signatures. These documents can be signed whether you are within a web conference or offline. (https://
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Files & Folders
How to upload files in a particular order
This guide will walk you through uploading files in a specific order. This can be particularly useful if you have multiple exhibits that need to be downloaded in a particular sequence. Revised Documentation: How to Upload Multiple Subfolders Step 1: Organize Your Folders Prefix each folder in Windows with a number to maintain a specific order, e.g., “1. Exhibit A,” “2. Exhibit B,” “3. Exhibit C,” etc. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/433d9c7533cf2400/imageuq1
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